Wow! What an amazing response. Thank you so much to everyone who took the time to vote. Turns out you're a clever bunch agreeing entirely with the eminent judging panel and also picking my other favourite! Yes, that's right, we're going to be launching 2 new designs.
The winner of the design competition is Nectar by Bec Cooper. We'll be announcing the launch date and the chosen colour/s within the next couple of weeks.
We've chosen "DC"'s comment as the winning comment - "Nectar! The design holds my gaze and changes as I look at it — rather like a flickering candle flame does. It contains tumbling cubes, snowflakes, and honeycomb-like hexagons."
This year voting was incredibly tight and interestingly there were different, clear winners depending on where the voting happened. The other clear favourite was Lily by Melissa Nalder, so we're planning a launch for that too!
We'll be making launch date and colour announcements shortly. A big thank you again to design luminaries, Louise Olsen and Stephen Ormandy for their time and sharing their expertise and insight in judging this year's finalists. I have found it rare to meet people so talented and successful who are so down to earth, generous and caring.
Thank you again for sharing your thoughts. It is only with your feedback and involvement that Queen B can continue to create light that is loved by the community we seek to serve.
Cate xx

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