I don't generally make a habit of talking to the person next to me on a flight (I LOVE reading and don't get to do enough of it), BUT...
I sat next to a fascinating man on my flight to Melbourne. He is a part owner of 4 businesses, 3 which I knew of. I LOVE talking about business more than I love reading, so it was game on! Anyway, we chatting without drawing breath really. Mostly I was asking him questions. But, towards the end of the flight, based on the little we'd discussed Queen B, he said to me "you really need to double your prices"!
I protested. I asked if he had listened to anything I'd said? The bit about making beeswax candles affordable for anyone who likes to burn candles. There was the stuff about lighting up peoples lives (literally and metaphorically). I'd shared how extraordinary this 'business' is in terms of the passion that people feel for what we do. etc etc. The question was never going to be answered in a 1 1/2 hour transit.
But it got me thinking.
When I reflected on the conversation and thought about why I do what I do. Why I've worked pretty much 7 days a week for 8 years now for little financial return, I reflected on what it is about doing/living Queen B that I love the most. What I love the most is the beautiful phone calls. The touching, grateful emails that show insight and appreciation for everything that we try to put into a Queen B candle (it is so much more than just beeswax and cotton wick).
I am so touched and delighted when someone goes to the trouble of taking photographs of their candles burning, downloading them and emailing them to me. That is extraordinary in this day and age. In these days of people trusting companies less (with good reason). In these busy, busy days where all have too much to do. At this time where we don't find the time to talk to the people we love the most often enough. Even with all of that, customers who have never met me (but know me nonetheless because I lay it all on the line with Queen B) will take the time to drop me a line. THAT'S why I do what I do.
I love Queen B because I like feeling like I make a difference. No matter how small.
So, I'd like more of that please! More comments on the blog. More facebook friends and 'likes'. More lovely emails and photographs. Even more abundance please! And to encourage you all to make that time, we're putting a Queen B eco-bulb up as a prize for the best entry. Yes, that's right. We're going to give away an Eco-bulb (because they are beautiful and they are symoblic of so many things). So share away people. You'll inspire others too. We'll pick a winner in a week.
If it works, we may run it more. I'd like to start a 'Candlelit dinner once a month' movement. I know of many people who have started doing that since the first Earth Hour and they rave about it. More conversation around the table. More family time. And the conversations you have by candlelight are different to the conversations you have with the lights on. Try me... you'll see.
So, please pick your favourite blog post and write a comment. Share a thought or a story. Or find your favourite photograph that has a Queen B candle in it (happy even if they are secondary to the actual photograph) and share it on facebook. Or if you're feeling shy, simply pop us an email.
Here's a little one I got last week from Polly:
"Hi Cate.
So happy with my candles. Thought u may like to see them in my happy little space. Cheers, Polly"
Now if that doesn't make you smile and love what you do, then I don't know what will!
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for loving Queen B candles. For helping spread the word. For getting what we do.
Oh, and call or email someone you've been meaning to, but haven't found the time for! You'll be pleased you did.
Queen B beeswax candles are made with 100% pure Australian beeswax a pure cotton wick and copious amounts of hand made love. We stock beautiful and stylish candle holders, personalised candles, votive candles and pillar candles that nourish the human spirit and our environment.
Queen B beeswax candles are made with 100% pure Australian beeswax a pure cotton wick and copious amounts of hand made love. We stock beautiful and stylish candle holders, personalised candles, votive candles and pillar candles that nourish the human spirit and our environment.
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